The one made up of neo-Marxist, postmodern, left-wing humanist and progressive democrat intellectuals who joined the mas on the mobile phone number list eve of and after coming to power and who, given their educational capital, played an important role in government management. A minority of these middle class elements have ties to mobile phone number listChoquehuanca, while a larger part was linked to GarcÃa Linera (whose future role is uncertain).
The indigenous and union wing read Morales' departure from power in a purely racial key. In part, this sentiment has turned against the MAS 's own middle-class militants , who have been seen as opportunists who took advantage of the "government of the Indians" to build fame and fortune. Within the framework of this criticism, the popularity of mobile phone number list Choquehuanca resurfaced, who had been "in the freezer" for a couple of years, since Morales fired him from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for taking seriously the possibility attributed to him of succeeding him in the Presidency, just when the head of state was mobile phone number list seeking the unconditional support of his party for his third re-election. In fact, Choquehuanca played an important role, as the articulator of various NGOsrural-based, by promoting the leap of the young "brother Evo" from peasant unionism to national politics.
When the mas was founded , Choquehuanca mobile phone number list was its main operator in the Aymara area of ​​the country (the high plateau that encompasses La Paz and Oruro), while Morales, despite also being of Aymara origin, dominated the valleys of Cochabamba, with a predominant population of Quechua origin. Choquehuanca is a cultural indianista and therefore moderate, but tends to accumulate political strength from the opposition mobile phone number list etween the indigenous and the mas middle class . Inside the cabinet, he deafly confronted GarcÃa Linera. In accordance with his vision of racist tones about the balance of forces within his party, he accused the then vice president of being guilty of all the government's defects, including his own departure from power, while absolving them, at least in public, to Morales.